Best 5 Effective Ways To Lose Weight From Kitchen Remedies

Sehar Hameed
3 min readMar 8, 2022


Photo by Total Shape on Unsplash

We all love food and some of them are junk food lovers, after intake fast foods, we look extra healthy but there is nothing to worry about. I’m gonna share 5 ways that can help you in reducing weight from 5 to 7KG within 1 month, and surely there is no tough exercise no dieting, etc. You’ll do this with your daily routine meal and sleep.

1. Honey And Water

When you wake up in the morning, you’ve to take a drink. Drink of honey and water, add 1Tb spoon honey in the lukewarm water around 1 glass every morning. Warm water really helps in reducing weight. you can also use lukewarm water throughout the whole day.

2. Divide Your Meal

Skipping a meal won’t help you in weight loss rather this step can make you physically weak. You have to plan the meal in portions i-e, in the morning eat a healthy breakfast, eating a healthy breakfast can help in reducing craving and calories intake throughout the day. In afternoon lunch, use salads, fruits, and fresh juices. For dinner, you should intake white boiled rice with one chicken chest piece. Use vegetables in the meal.

3. Daily Excercise

Many exercises can help you in weight loss and walking is one of the best exercises. Walking is part of our daily activities. you can do exercise if you’re sitting or lying on your comfort coach. While lying or sitting, move your legs, arms, and shoulders. Move your arms up and down. Make a routine of running in your room for just 5 minutes. Instead of going to GYM, you can lose weight at your home too. Get time for yourself from a busy schedule. Exercise also helps in staying active for the whole day.

4. Skip Soft Drinks

Soft drinks contain a large amount of sugar. It leads to weight gain, skipping sugary drinks is one of the easiest ways to lose weight rapidly. In tea, coffee and shakes, we add a large amount of sugar for sweet taste but this isn't good for our health and heart too. In Modern countries, people don't use sugar because they prefer health and fitness over taste. we should prevent sweet items as well.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep plays an important part in weight loss. There’s plenty of data showing that poor sleep helps in gaining weight. While we’re awake till late at night, we crave food especially we demand fast food that is like poison intake that’ the reason we should get on the bed on time. Oversleeping looks like a good idea to beat the fat. Must take a nap in the afternoon.

Determining is the best way to take a step for good care of yourself!



Sehar Hameed

Sehar is a freelance content writer, who works for various online projects.